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Our vision at Majestic Frequencies is to bring food abundance and health awareness to the people of Houston by planting one seed at a time. Our team has noticed that several communities in and around Houston are considered food deserts, and many households struggle to put food on their tables due to rising prices. While food pantries are available, they often only offer canned goods, grains, rice, and cereal, with few providing fresh produce. We aim to address this issue by providing gardens, education, and volunteer assistance to these establishments, which will enable them to offer fresh produce to their communities. We also plan to assist active-adult communities and homeless or transitional shelters by providing them with access to fresh fruit, vegetables, and education on how to maintain their gardens.

At Majestic Frequencies, we are looking for volunteers to help maintain these projects once implemented. We are inclusive of servicing communities in need and require a minimum of 200-300 square feet of garden space to build a small infrastructure. We will be partnering with businesses and other non-profit organizations to carry out our services, which will include education on food production gardens, their benefits, how to maintain them, and how to prepare fruits and vegetables for optimal health benefits.

We believe that having access to fresh produce is essential for a healthy lifestyle, and we are committed to bringing awareness, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and, most importantly, the skill set needed to achieve this. By partnering with Majestic Frequencies, communities will have the opportunity to learn about different fruits and vegetables, their nutritional value, and how to prepare them for optimal health benefits.